We are committed to transparent pricing in compliance with California’s SB 478. All prices listed include any mandatory service charges, excluding taxes and variable delivery fees. Delivery charges are calculated based on your recipient's address, urgency and/or timed deliveries.
  • ADDRESS Log Cabin Florist
    800 19th St
    Bakersfield, CA, 93301
  • CALL US (661) 327-8646
Rose & Carnation Bouquet

Rose & Carnation Bouquet


Indulge in luxury with our arrangement of one dozen imported red roses and one dozen elegance carnations elegantly arranged in a vase. For a personalized touch, feel free to specify a favorite color for the carnations, and we'll be delighted to customize it for you—just let us know! Enjoy the convenience of same-day flower delivery, ensuring a prompt and beautiful expression of your sentiments.

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